Awareness campaign in Corse
07 October 2015
Exhibitions' period in Corse:
- Fiera della caccia e della pesca a Ponte Novo on the 26th ,27th and 28th of June 2015
- Fiera di l’alivu in Montemaggiore on the 18th and 19th of July 2015
- Fiera di filitosa on the 31th of July and 1th and 2th of August
- Festa di u legnu e di a furesta 8th and 9th of August
- Fiera di a Santa, Niolu from the 5th to 8th of September
- Fiera di u Mele, Murzo on the 26th of September
Some meetings with the local populations were organised to make aware the citizens about the deer's protection:
- Letia on the 12th of September
- Moltifau on the 18th of September
- San petru di Venacu il 19th of September
- Quenza on the 20th of September