Action A1: The identification of the areas and related studies
This action includes the construction of a detailed mapping of the habitats, which are present in the selected areas in Sardinia and Corsica, and that will be later used for the radio-telemetry data and for the monitoring actions.
For the study of feasibility’s elaboration, that it will be run during the first project realized by ISPRA’s researchers, we will refer to the technical information in accordance with the guidelines for the reintroduction laid down by the IUCN group of scientists; and with reference to the documents of the “Directives to the freeing of the animal species” (edited in 2007 on behalf of the Environment Ministry). The study of feasibility should analyze different kind of elements, focusing on the convenience of the operation, its feasibility and its possibilities of success. The risk assessment is important as well, both for the populations involved in the project and the already present ones, in the short and long term, considering the potential future increase. Finally, it should be identify the measures necessary to reduce the risks deriving from the extinction.
In particular, the study of feasibility, will analyze:
Interventions in local, national and international strategies.
Historical survey finalized to the definition of the following parameters, in relation to the amount of the wild fauna involved in the project:
- Systematic-taxonomic position of the pre-existent Fauna
- Environmental aspects of the concerned area, in the period previous to the extinction and animal population’s reduction
- Causes and period of extinction.
Genetic structure’s analysis of the species involved in the measures of reintroduction.
Evaluation of the founder animals, with the following requisites:
- Belonging to the same original population of the present taxon, in the subspecies.
- Genetic compatibility with the genetic structure of the species involved in the project.
- Belonging to a population, for whom the lack of the founder animals is not a risk.
- Choice of the areas with environmental aspects as similar as possible to the ones involved in the project.
- Management of populations according to the principles and rules relating to the conservation, in terms of genetics and demography.
Estimate of the minimum viable population’s average volume, through analysis of popular livability.
Estimated number of released animals during the reintroduction as well as of the needed time to re-establish a minimum viable population.
Identification of the reintroduction’s area, according to:
- An evaluation of the sustainability’s capability with the application of appropriate protocols for the environmental analysis (Habitat Evaluation Procedure, Habitat Suitability Index);
- An evaluation of the measures necessary to guarantee the minimum viable population.