The awareness campaign will take place in the schools that are located in areas interested by the project, in order to transmit to new generations the importance of the environment and the species, with their wealth in value and peculiarity.
In particular, the attention will be focused on the species’ adaptation ability to the dune system and to the extreme environmental conditions. But also to the species’ rarity and to the relation between what it’s known and what it’s not. The Natura 2000 network will be described as a net of areas where live the most uncommon and beautiful species.
To realize these activities, local educational operators will be involved (cooperatives and environmental associations) with a specific educational experience with local schools.
The action will be coordinated by the regional natural park of Corsica but it will be realized in every site of the project, according with the stakeholders that already carry on activities in several territories.
The involved staff will be the one of the Nodo IN.F.E.A.
The Nodo IN.F.E.A is a structure which is aimed to introduce educational activities and to spread a cultural and environmental dimension. Its main goal is to become the point of reference for local communities about the sustainable development. One of its duties is to spread the sustainable development’s message, helping the local operators and communities to support their initiatives.
The foreseen activities can be divided in practical activities on the field (deer watching in sites of release) as well as fun-educational activities in schools held by experts.